Friday, June 12, 2009

work and school, school and work!!!

Things are looking up, somewhat. Scott has finished his last quarter in paramedic school with a few potholes along the way. Now, it is just a lot of reviewing, his pediatric certification, then National Registry on August 1st!!! Of course, we have recently started talking about moving to Columbus right after he is done. Originally we were thinking of waiting until I was done with school. As soon as we start talking about moving, I get offered TWO new jobs. I took have taken them both, as one is part time. I will be starting as a medic in the ER at Cincinnati Children's Hospital on June 22nd, and I have already started working as a medic at the Butler County Jail. On top of this, I will continue working at MedCorp only on a completely as needed (WHEN I NEED IT) status, and still at Kings Island. Just living the dream!!!! I am still waiting to hear back from Clark State about the status of their medic to RN bridge course. I am on the waiting list, but so is everyone else as they are still waiting for accredidation from another board. With any luck, I will be starting that in the fall. I am continuously working on my application for PA school for this October. For those of you who haven't heard, I am now looking at the University of Toledo as well as Kettering. Whichever one will take me is the one that I will go to. Details will be figured out later. That's about it for now.