Thursday, January 15, 2009


I really miss being home. Like home, home. Cincinnati will never feel like home. We still have no snow. Sadly, it's one thing I miss. We have plenty of cold, just no snow. It doesn't seem right.

Plus, I am bored down here. I don't have many friends here, and the one's that I do live almost an hour away...south of the river. I am used to being at home where I have my sisters, my family, my animals, and mostly my friends. I have my fire department, places to go, things to do. Here, I have Scott and that is about it. I go to work, I come home, I go to bed.

Scott is not home tonight. I hate these nights even worse. I sit at home, alone. Bored. Lonely. Tonight he is at work, which is even worse than school nights because I have to go to bed alone. We need to get away, but we gotta have money to do that. So for now, we keep doing that. I feel like I never have anything exciting to say. It's always the same. Work, sleep, work, sleep.

I gotta get out of this funk.

Bedtime now.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas is over.

Okay....officially today....CHRISTMAS IS OVER. My in-laws came down to Cinci today and dropped off our final christmas present, a king size sleigh bed. Now, we knew about this already, but we had to do some planning. The mattresses couldn't be delivered until Thursday, and the bed frame had to be brought down from Columbus today. It is all together and looks beautiful and feels wonderful!!!! I am so excited.

I also made a pasta bake that turned out fantabulous. Now, if I only had a little more time to cook since I DO enjoy doing it. I can't wait for Scott to be done with paramedic school and back to work full time so that I can take a little time off, and a little time to myself.

Unfortunately, as it looks right now, I didn't get hired at the new West Chester Medical Center. I interviewed last Friday, and they told me they would let me know within about a week. This past Friday, I called the lady for a follow up and left a message. About an hour later, I got a form letter email stating the day time position had been filled. I guess there is a small glimmer of hope for the night position, but since she said about a week and they still haven't called me, I'm guessing, no. I was really looking forward to that, too. I so badly need out of MedCorp. I think I have just been there too long. I HATE it. Some days I literally get sick thinking about going in to work. We have just outgrown our capacities, and they just don't care.

I did find out about a medic to RN bridge course I am going to look in to. They start accepting applications in March for a fall start. I can do that, still apply to PA school, and if I get in will be finished with my nursing degree before PA school would start.

And, before anyone asks, I am still planning on doing my apprenticeship in funeral directing so I can be fully licensed. But, unless something magically happens to pop up, this may have to wait until Scott and I move to Columbus in the next couple of years. I am still looking, though.

I hate my life, but I am going to go wallow in my misery with my husband in my new bed. That still sounds funny. I've been married for 4 months now, and it still sounds funny. And, this marriage crap is hard, but we are surviving. We fight, we talk, we laugh, we cry. I'm hoping in the end, the good outways the bad. I know it is especially hard with him in a poor job, and going to school at the same time. And me at a job I hate. Enough whining. Off to snuggle.