Thursday, January 15, 2009


I really miss being home. Like home, home. Cincinnati will never feel like home. We still have no snow. Sadly, it's one thing I miss. We have plenty of cold, just no snow. It doesn't seem right.

Plus, I am bored down here. I don't have many friends here, and the one's that I do live almost an hour away...south of the river. I am used to being at home where I have my sisters, my family, my animals, and mostly my friends. I have my fire department, places to go, things to do. Here, I have Scott and that is about it. I go to work, I come home, I go to bed.

Scott is not home tonight. I hate these nights even worse. I sit at home, alone. Bored. Lonely. Tonight he is at work, which is even worse than school nights because I have to go to bed alone. We need to get away, but we gotta have money to do that. So for now, we keep doing that. I feel like I never have anything exciting to say. It's always the same. Work, sleep, work, sleep.

I gotta get out of this funk.

Bedtime now.

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