Sunday, March 8, 2009

can't wait for summer

Things are getting a little better. Scott got the highest grade on his 2nd quarter final yesterday. He seems to have found a new excitement for school again. He has also gotten hired at The Beach, which is an outdoor water park. That pretty much guarantees us money throughout the summer while he finishes school. By the time they close, he should have a new job. I have also been hired at Kings Island. AND, they gave me credit for my years at Cedar Point, so I don't have to start out at first year pay. Plus, Cedar Fair....who owns both Cedar Point and Kings Island....i guess gave a raise this year? So I am going to be making more than I expected.'s not MedCorp. I will have some place to work that I have fun at again!!! Helps kick the burnout!!!

Other than that, I will hopefully be playing softball down here with one of the guys I work with. I am so excited, because the last couple of years I have been driving home to Toledo to play because I just don't have the networking down here as I do up there. But it is hard going from playing 5 nights a week to playing maybe twice a month. And as of today, I think I may have found somewhere to play beach volleyball. I just need to find out if they have any teams that need individuals or fill-ins.

I finally feel as if I can take a deep breath. Bills are caught up. I am working enough hours to keep it that way, but not killing myself. I have some things planned for the upcoming summer and am looking forward to it. And, I get to spend time with my twin at an Ohio twins function the first weekend in April. Yeah!!!

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