Monday, February 23, 2009

school, work, work, school

So it's been awhile. Not on purpose, but all the same. I feel as is I am getting nothing accomplished, but am always so busy. Scott is just over halfway done with paramedic school. Second quarter has been a little bit of a blessing in a way. He is past all the somewhat meaningless stuff and has moved into cardiology and pharmacology. I think it is a little more challenging and keeping his interest a little more. There were times during first quarter that I didn't think he would make it. Not so much because he wasn't getting it, but because I believe he was bored. I just keep looking toward July when he will be done. It is getting very rough for me. That sounds funny, because he is the one in school, but hear me out. Scott does have a job right now, but it seems to be a challenge for him to get any hours. Half of the time he does, the boss downs the truck due to low run volume. So, basically I am working to support the both of us. If we would have known before that this was how things were going to be, we would have done a few things differently. So, for now, I look towards July and just keep my head down and keep trudging along. I am still working at MedCorp, which I am not all that happy about. I should just be glad I have a job, I know. But the employees are treated so badly I just want to come home and cry some days. We get paid horribly for the job we do, which makes me not want to work any overtime and believe me there is a-plenty. But I know for now, this is what I have to do. And even then, we are struggling. He keeps suggesting he drop out of school.....what can I do to make him understand that this is NOT an option? I hopefully will be starting back to school on March 31st. My classes will be online at least for this quarter, because no way can we afford for me to give up any hours. On a lighter side, I have started job shadowing a physicians assistant, Molly, at Fort Hamilton Hospital. We seemed to hit it off pretty good and she seems to be impressed with me. The reason for me doing this, is because it looks good for when I apply to school this fall. And, with any luck I will be able to have Molly write one of my letters of recommendation. I was able to buy my new TV this weekend. Yes, I know I said we have been struggling, and god knows we have, but this is something I have been saving for for awhile. I was supposed to have gotten it at the beginning of last year, but we had the wedding to think about then. So, when I got my tax return back on Saturday, we used a little bit from that and what I had saved to go buy it.....FINALLY!! So now I have a 46inch LCD flatscreen with HD. I am so happy. My hope is, is that it gets me out of my funk I have been in at work. Other than that, there is not much to report. Hopefully I will have a new camera soon, so I can put new pics up here, on my facebook and on my myspace pages.

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