Friday, June 12, 2009

work and school, school and work!!!

Things are looking up, somewhat. Scott has finished his last quarter in paramedic school with a few potholes along the way. Now, it is just a lot of reviewing, his pediatric certification, then National Registry on August 1st!!! Of course, we have recently started talking about moving to Columbus right after he is done. Originally we were thinking of waiting until I was done with school. As soon as we start talking about moving, I get offered TWO new jobs. I took have taken them both, as one is part time. I will be starting as a medic in the ER at Cincinnati Children's Hospital on June 22nd, and I have already started working as a medic at the Butler County Jail. On top of this, I will continue working at MedCorp only on a completely as needed (WHEN I NEED IT) status, and still at Kings Island. Just living the dream!!!! I am still waiting to hear back from Clark State about the status of their medic to RN bridge course. I am on the waiting list, but so is everyone else as they are still waiting for accredidation from another board. With any luck, I will be starting that in the fall. I am continuously working on my application for PA school for this October. For those of you who haven't heard, I am now looking at the University of Toledo as well as Kettering. Whichever one will take me is the one that I will go to. Details will be figured out later. That's about it for now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

can't wait for summer

Things are getting a little better. Scott got the highest grade on his 2nd quarter final yesterday. He seems to have found a new excitement for school again. He has also gotten hired at The Beach, which is an outdoor water park. That pretty much guarantees us money throughout the summer while he finishes school. By the time they close, he should have a new job. I have also been hired at Kings Island. AND, they gave me credit for my years at Cedar Point, so I don't have to start out at first year pay. Plus, Cedar Fair....who owns both Cedar Point and Kings Island....i guess gave a raise this year? So I am going to be making more than I expected.'s not MedCorp. I will have some place to work that I have fun at again!!! Helps kick the burnout!!!

Other than that, I will hopefully be playing softball down here with one of the guys I work with. I am so excited, because the last couple of years I have been driving home to Toledo to play because I just don't have the networking down here as I do up there. But it is hard going from playing 5 nights a week to playing maybe twice a month. And as of today, I think I may have found somewhere to play beach volleyball. I just need to find out if they have any teams that need individuals or fill-ins.

I finally feel as if I can take a deep breath. Bills are caught up. I am working enough hours to keep it that way, but not killing myself. I have some things planned for the upcoming summer and am looking forward to it. And, I get to spend time with my twin at an Ohio twins function the first weekend in April. Yeah!!!

Ghost Hunting in Mansfield, Ohio....anyone interested?

I am trying to get a group together of people who would be interested in going on a ghost hunt sometime this spring/summer/fall at the old Ohio State Reformatory. What is it? The Ohio State Reformatory was used as a state prison for almost 100 years. It has also been used in the movies The Shawshank Redemption and Tango and Cash, and was used in a music video for Godsmack. It is located off of route 30 in Mansfield, Ohio. It is reported to be one of the top ten haunted spots in the US. You pay $65 to get access to the building from 8p to 6am, and this pr4ice includes all you can eat pizza and pop around midnight. There are about 10 different dates for this, but they sell out quick. They only allow 50 participants each night, and with a building this big....that is not alot. Especially because many people start leaving around 2am, so it gets EXTREMELY quiet. You have access to anywhere, except for where staircases and such are closed because of safety. Usually there is more than one way to access a floor or room, so this is not an issue. I can vouch that it is a BLAST. I have done this 3 times already and can't wait to go back. If you want more info or dates, check out ALL of the proceeds go to restoration of the building. If anyone is interested in going, please let me know.

PS - We are looking at going on August's a Saturday.


Monday, February 23, 2009

school, work, work, school

So it's been awhile. Not on purpose, but all the same. I feel as is I am getting nothing accomplished, but am always so busy. Scott is just over halfway done with paramedic school. Second quarter has been a little bit of a blessing in a way. He is past all the somewhat meaningless stuff and has moved into cardiology and pharmacology. I think it is a little more challenging and keeping his interest a little more. There were times during first quarter that I didn't think he would make it. Not so much because he wasn't getting it, but because I believe he was bored. I just keep looking toward July when he will be done. It is getting very rough for me. That sounds funny, because he is the one in school, but hear me out. Scott does have a job right now, but it seems to be a challenge for him to get any hours. Half of the time he does, the boss downs the truck due to low run volume. So, basically I am working to support the both of us. If we would have known before that this was how things were going to be, we would have done a few things differently. So, for now, I look towards July and just keep my head down and keep trudging along. I am still working at MedCorp, which I am not all that happy about. I should just be glad I have a job, I know. But the employees are treated so badly I just want to come home and cry some days. We get paid horribly for the job we do, which makes me not want to work any overtime and believe me there is a-plenty. But I know for now, this is what I have to do. And even then, we are struggling. He keeps suggesting he drop out of school.....what can I do to make him understand that this is NOT an option? I hopefully will be starting back to school on March 31st. My classes will be online at least for this quarter, because no way can we afford for me to give up any hours. On a lighter side, I have started job shadowing a physicians assistant, Molly, at Fort Hamilton Hospital. We seemed to hit it off pretty good and she seems to be impressed with me. The reason for me doing this, is because it looks good for when I apply to school this fall. And, with any luck I will be able to have Molly write one of my letters of recommendation. I was able to buy my new TV this weekend. Yes, I know I said we have been struggling, and god knows we have, but this is something I have been saving for for awhile. I was supposed to have gotten it at the beginning of last year, but we had the wedding to think about then. So, when I got my tax return back on Saturday, we used a little bit from that and what I had saved to go buy it.....FINALLY!! So now I have a 46inch LCD flatscreen with HD. I am so happy. My hope is, is that it gets me out of my funk I have been in at work. Other than that, there is not much to report. Hopefully I will have a new camera soon, so I can put new pics up here, on my facebook and on my myspace pages.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I really miss being home. Like home, home. Cincinnati will never feel like home. We still have no snow. Sadly, it's one thing I miss. We have plenty of cold, just no snow. It doesn't seem right.

Plus, I am bored down here. I don't have many friends here, and the one's that I do live almost an hour away...south of the river. I am used to being at home where I have my sisters, my family, my animals, and mostly my friends. I have my fire department, places to go, things to do. Here, I have Scott and that is about it. I go to work, I come home, I go to bed.

Scott is not home tonight. I hate these nights even worse. I sit at home, alone. Bored. Lonely. Tonight he is at work, which is even worse than school nights because I have to go to bed alone. We need to get away, but we gotta have money to do that. So for now, we keep doing that. I feel like I never have anything exciting to say. It's always the same. Work, sleep, work, sleep.

I gotta get out of this funk.

Bedtime now.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas is over.

Okay....officially today....CHRISTMAS IS OVER. My in-laws came down to Cinci today and dropped off our final christmas present, a king size sleigh bed. Now, we knew about this already, but we had to do some planning. The mattresses couldn't be delivered until Thursday, and the bed frame had to be brought down from Columbus today. It is all together and looks beautiful and feels wonderful!!!! I am so excited.

I also made a pasta bake that turned out fantabulous. Now, if I only had a little more time to cook since I DO enjoy doing it. I can't wait for Scott to be done with paramedic school and back to work full time so that I can take a little time off, and a little time to myself.

Unfortunately, as it looks right now, I didn't get hired at the new West Chester Medical Center. I interviewed last Friday, and they told me they would let me know within about a week. This past Friday, I called the lady for a follow up and left a message. About an hour later, I got a form letter email stating the day time position had been filled. I guess there is a small glimmer of hope for the night position, but since she said about a week and they still haven't called me, I'm guessing, no. I was really looking forward to that, too. I so badly need out of MedCorp. I think I have just been there too long. I HATE it. Some days I literally get sick thinking about going in to work. We have just outgrown our capacities, and they just don't care.

I did find out about a medic to RN bridge course I am going to look in to. They start accepting applications in March for a fall start. I can do that, still apply to PA school, and if I get in will be finished with my nursing degree before PA school would start.

And, before anyone asks, I am still planning on doing my apprenticeship in funeral directing so I can be fully licensed. But, unless something magically happens to pop up, this may have to wait until Scott and I move to Columbus in the next couple of years. I am still looking, though.

I hate my life, but I am going to go wallow in my misery with my husband in my new bed. That still sounds funny. I've been married for 4 months now, and it still sounds funny. And, this marriage crap is hard, but we are surviving. We fight, we talk, we laugh, we cry. I'm hoping in the end, the good outways the bad. I know it is especially hard with him in a poor job, and going to school at the same time. And me at a job I hate. Enough whining. Off to snuggle.